
Keynote speakers

The group has been studying the biochemical composition of spindle assembly signaling pathway as well as the physico-chemical processes associated with it, leading to the self-organisation of microtubules into a bipolar spindle

Eric Karsenti, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany:


Correlative Multimodal Imaging – Imaging Across Scales

Evgenia Zagoriy, EMBL, Heidelberg (working with Julia Mahamid), Germany
Martina Schifferer, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, DZNE, Germany

Imaging sub-cellular events at high resolution using advanced light

Jonas Reis, Max PerutzLabs at the Vienna BioCenter, University of Vienna, AUSTRIA
Marine Laporte, Chercheur INSERMChercheur INSERM, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, FRANCE

Smart Microscopy: from Image Analysis, artifical inteligence to Intelligent Acquisition

Ilaria Testa,, SciLIfeLab, Sweden
Benedict Diederich, Institut für Photonische Technologien, Jena, and openUc2 Xiao AI Microscope, GERMANY